Marching Blue at BVU

Buena Vista University’s new marching and pep band program will allow students to participate in an intercollegiate athletic band experience like no other.

About Marching Blue Show Your Support


Buena Vista University is the only school in the American Rivers Conference with a marching band. BVU Marching Blue (including a drumline, color guard, and twirlers!) will perform at home football performances and tour across the Midwest. Blue Steel, the BVU pep bad, provides an incredible game day atmosphere for Beaver athletic events.

Membership Levels




•  Travel trailer
•  Marimba, marching brass, woodwinds, and drumline instruments
•  Uniforms for marchers and drum majors


Drum Major


•  Pit percussion and trapset
•  Sound equipment and keyboards
•  Props for shows
•  Drill and rights to our music and shows


Band Captain


•  Flags and uniforms for color guard
•  Twirler uniforms
•  Travel cases
•  Drum major podiums


Section Leader


•  Twirler baton
•  Music and folders
•  Rehearsal, rain, and bad weather gear
•  Drum major batons

Student playing guitar

Let the Beat Be Heard

Show your support for marching and pep bands

Many people, like you, have played a key role in our students’ musical growth. In return, you get to enjoy outstanding performances on and off the field. Consider deepening your investment in our talented students’ music education, scholarship, and performance by becoming a member of the BVU Marching Blue. 

Make Your Gift and Become a Member